
Project Description

Contract Number: W912BU-12-C-0057
Contract Title: Northern Region Logistics Hub
Location: Camp Marmal, Mazar-e-Sharif, Afghansitan
Prime Contractor: Behnam Construction Company

This $16,207,439.75 project consists of design and construction of a new Jalalabad Air Detachment for the Afghan National Army (ANA) in Nangarhar Province, Afghanistan.

The project consists of design, site adaption and construction of new permanent facilities for the FORWARD OPERATING BASE in Jalalabad Airfield for the ANA in Afghanistan. The project is defined as the design, labor and equipment to construct buildings, roads, parking, utilities and other infrastructure, of a design population of approximately 570 personnel.

Entry Control Point
Fuel Storage Depot
Roads, Logistical Area
HAZMAT Storage Area
Convoy Staging Area In-Bound/Out-Bound
Call Forward Yard and,
Groundwater well, Pumping, Storage and Disinfection Facility