Behnam Construction Company

Project Description

Contract Number:   W5J9JE-11-C-0018
Contract Title:   (ANP) Uniformed Police District Headquarters
Location:   Sorobi District, Kabul Province, Afghanistan
Completion Date: 30 June 2012

This $1,818,663.00 project consists of the design and construction of Afghanistan National Police (ANP) Uniformed Police District Headquarters facilities (approximately 650 SM in size located at Sorobi, Kabul Province, Afghanistan. This project is defined as the management, planning, design; material, labor, and equipment, to site adapt and construct all utilities, vehicular access, buildings, force protection measures, site security, de-mining activities, and other features as referenced herein. The work within this contract shall meet and be constructed in accordance with current and International Building Codes (IBC), Life Safety Codes (NFPA-101), Force Protection and security standards. A partial listing of references is: IBC, International Building Codes 2006 NFPA 101, Life Safety Codes UFC 4-010-01, DoD Minimum Anti-Terrorism Standards for Buildings.